Tuesday, February 16, 2010

It's Week 3 and Home Reading commences. Prep F will be taking home bright yellow bags on Wednesday with their home reading book and READIT reading diary inside. Please read this book with your child each night. Give them as much support as necessary. Sometimes you may need to read the book to them first and then they can have a go. Sometimes you can read it together and sometimes they will be able to independently read the book to you. Just remember, make this time with your child a happy time and provide as much support as needed. Please write a brief comment each night in the reading dairy. As the term progresses so will the level of difficulty of the book that your child brings home.

We are now bringing the children outside to meet parents and I will wait with them until they are collected. On rainy days you are still very welcome to seek shelter inside as you collect the children just before the bell at 3:30.

The children's lunches look absolutely yummy and they really enjoy the fruit and snacks that you provide. We do have a policy about eating lollies at school. Very simply, if the item is for sale in the lolly aisle of the supermarket it should not be brought to school. Thank you very much for your cooperation in this matter. If your child is ordering an icypole from the canteen you should write the order on a lunch bag and the icypole will then be delivered to the classroom in an insulated bag.
Will catch up with you all next week
Carmel FitzGerald

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